Thursday, August 12, 2010

School shopping!

I have started my school shopping    I head upstairs to the 4th, unused bedroom- you know the room with all the extra stuff you don't or can't throw away that piles up week after week, month after month and open the closet.

There should be an enter at your own risk sign posted to it  or perhaps-open
and watch for falling objects-you'll see why in a minute.........

And TADAH!  Bins of clothes thanks to my sister and her older daughter.  I love hand me downs!  I spent a few hours sorting through clothes (for both girls) and it looks like the only things on my school shopping list this time around will be :  spring coat, new sneakers and winter boots.    Ahhh, my pocket book can come out of hiding now.


  1. Gotta love hand me downs!!! They are the best!

    ~The Mama Monster

  2. You're so organized with those bins. Jeeealllous.

    PS: We tried the ginormous marshmallows last night. Ridiculously messy/gooey/good!

  3. Lucky! That's so awesome. My mom has kids that are a couple years older than my oldest but they are small for their age and my girl is tall for hers, so it's been quite nice for me. But, I can't boast to have that many bins full! Anyways, just stumbled upon your blog. Thanks for letting me look around! Your girls are beautiful.
